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IIP Curriculum
Invictus International Preschool Curriculum
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A Personalised/ Individualised Learning Experience
At Invictus International Preschool, we recognize that children learn in different ways and at different rates. An individualized learning plan is designed for each child based on how they learn, what they know, and their skills and interests. As children progress through their education, teachers assess and evaluate the skills they are demonstrating, ensuring that each learning plan matches up with developmental and academic standards.
Additionally, an annual assessment for preschool children is made available for parents who would like an objective measure of their child’s aptitudes and skills. The assessment which is founded on international, robust research will help parents and teachers understand children’s knowledge, skills and attitudes which in turn helps parents and teachers to make the best possible decisions to set realistic and motivational targets and focus on children’s progress.
Explore our curriculum by clicking on the different areas!

Communication, Language and Literacy
From birth, children are learning language and developing the ability to communicate. The Communication, Language, and Literacy domain describes many important aspects of children’s language and early literacy development. An internationally recognised phonics and grammar programme, Jolly Phonics, is adopted to develop a thorough foundation for reading and writing. Children can learn in an enjoyable, multi-sensorial way which enables them to read and write letters, words and then sentences. Through songs, games, stories and picture talks, children acquire phonological awareness and will be able to identify the 42 different sounds in the English language and use them to blend sounds together to start reading and spelling. Storybooks and level readers are introduced in the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes as we expand on their vocabulary and allow opportunities for children to relate pictorial cues to words. Puppets, feely bags and other teaching resources are utilised to extend the stories and to help children establish meaning in print.
To develop an appreciation for reading and literature, the children are immersed in a wide range of children’s literature.
As children begin to learn their family’s language, it is also a good time to start learning another language. The Invictus Childcare Chinese Curriculum is an immersive learning experience designed to give the children the skills, knowledge and understandings to transition to local or bilingual international schools.
The Chinese programme reflects current research highlighting that individuals who learn more than one language show improved executive functioning of the brain, have better focus and creativity, learn new languages and build social bonds more easily. We provide a child-centred, play-based learning approach that actively encourages children to learn not just the Chinese language but to also develop a deeper appreciation for the Chinese culture. With a dedicated team of Chinese teachers and Chinese enrichment programmes, the Chinese language programmes are expertly structured so that your child will be equipped with a good foundation in the Chinese language as they move on with confidence to the next step of their education journey.
Personal, Social and Emotional
Children can establish a positive sense of themselves and a positive disposition to learning through their personal, social and emotional development. Invictus International Preschool fosters a respectful, friendly, inclusive, and cooperative environment that empowers children’s character development.Through the Virtues Project which is based on the beliefs and virtues valued by diverse cultures and world religions, a ‘Virtue of the Week’ is introduced so that over time, children gain a deep understanding of what each virtue means and how they can practice virtues in their daily lives.
The Virtues Project enables teachers and children to address not only our core values, but also to meet the personal and social development goals at the heart of our goal for the children to develop good character through the implementation of the Five Strategies.
Motor Skills Development
Motor Skills development relates to the growth and skill development of the body, including the brain, muscles, and senses. Our purpose-built school facilities and a wide range of planned activities encourage children to explore their environment with increased confidence and awareness. A perceptual motor programme is put in place to nurture children’s development of not only an awareness of their body but also the acquisition of directional, spatial, temporal, visual, vestibular, auditory, tactile and proprioceptive awareness. Our handwriting programme encourages the development of pre-writing skills through activities that enhances and refines children’s fine motor skills.Discovery of the World
Inquiry-based learning begins with a question, a problem or an idea. It involves children in planning and carrying out investigations, proposing explanations and solutions, and communicating their understanding of concepts in a variety of ways. Throughout the inquiry process, children observe, raise questions, and critique their practices. It is an approach that encourages collaboration and ownership of children’s learning.
The children experience a wide range of lines of inquiry including the domains of Science, History, Geography, Social Studies and Technology.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This is a forward-thinking, integrated approach to learning that combines these subjects to guide children’s inquisition and critical thinking.
Children learn about new concepts through a systematic line of questioning and scientific approaches. There is differentiation in the instruction as children become more independent in their experiment and discovery. This learning opportunity is further propelled by varying levels of support where activities are planned so that children progress through the specific skills and concepts they have developed.
Digital resources such as narrative-rich videos, apps, and games can play productive roles in teaching and learning. With thoughtful integration, technology is introduced alongside caring and knowledgeable teachers to help children navigate and learn about the world that is otherwise inaccessible for example; how seeds sprout roots and grow into plants. Technology is used effectively in our schools to support the lives of young children and the families and communities within which they live, play, and learn.
Hands-on engineering activities empower young children to see themselves as problem solvers. Children learn that there is more than one way to solve a problem, and that it is okay to fail and try again. Our learning environment provides fun and engaging opportunities for our young learners, and this can take various forms such as at the block centre with children working together to build a long bridge, the sensory table with materials for children to make their own bubble wands and the cookery table where children are making pancakes.
The programme is based on the Singapore Mathematics framework, which strongly reflects the philosophy that children learn through active involvement and can be influenced through instruction. Communication between adults and peers, as well as between peers, helps children to internalize and acquire new concepts and skills. The programme builds upon children’s curiosity, enthusiasm, and intuitive mathematics knowledge and utilises children’s experiences and interests.
The children commence preschool with a wealth of knowledge and experiences of numbers, shapes and space in the environment. The world of numbers and numeracy is already familiar to them and at Invictus Preschools, teachers build on this prior knowledge by designing learning experiences that enable them to make connections between what they already know and can do, and the planned curriculum. The children are provided with many hands-on learning experiences giving them opportunities to construct their own understanding. Relationships in numeracy are discovered and explored through this use of concrete materials. The children are provided with opportunities to communicate their ideas, clarify their thoughts and share their thinking. The teachers take time to observe the children – what they do and say – and facilitate the understanding of numeracy concepts.
Aesthetics and Creative Expression
Experiences in visual and performing arts, music and movement allow children to be expressive, creative and imaginative. Such experiences give children the opportunity to express ideas and feelings about themselves and the world as they see it. Working with art materials offers children opportunities to experiment with colours, shapes, textures and designs. Children start to develop awareness and appreciation of pleasant sensory experiences which is also the beginning of aesthetic development. Offering a unique auditory experience, a selection of Theme-related rhymes and songs are introduced and explored with our resident musician on his weekly visit. Children are involved in exploring simple musical concepts such as fast and slow (tempo), loud and soft (volume), high and low (pitch) and sound quality/timbre.Enrichment
Penn Junior Academy works in partnership with a team of premium enrichment providers to facilitate a wide range of learning opportunities for the Invictus International Preschools.
Our range of programmes are carefully planned and designed to grow the interests of our young learners and unlock their full potential. Each instructor is committed to bring a nurturing and supportive climate which encourages curiosity, creativity, and promotes problem-solving and critical thinking to inspire and instil the desire to become lifelong learners.
Every child has the option to participate in the learning opportunities within our premises. Having our programmes based in the same location the children attend school provides families with the ease and convenience of no outside travel time, a location close to home, and reassuring familiarity of staff.
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