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Positive Education

Feb 1, 2019 11:14:15 AM
Positive education has been recognised as being key in development for children today focusing on improving individual well-being. Latest research has uncovered that there is an increase in depression amongst young people on a global scale.
Positive education is a framework taught to focus on personal strengths and motivation. It encompasses many topics including resilience, motivation, confidence and self-worth When asked ‘what do you want your child to get from school’ most parent’s natural answer is they want their children to achieve highly and get successful qualifications. If too much pressure is put on individuals to ‘achieve’ with little focus on any other life skills aspect, it can have a negative impact on their personal well-being.
Positive education works jointly with academic learning to get the very best from every individual. By focusing on the way we care about how our children feel while they are learning will help them to channel negative thoughts better and therefore increase this trend that the world is facing currently.
Every parent wants to see their child happy in their educational establishment and grow, develop and flourish. White Lodge takes deep care in working towards teaching and nurturing the children at the school to become loving individuals who are confident, respectful of the world and of others.
Positive education encompasses learning about personal well-being and the key qualities that White Lodge educators encourage the children to have are:
- the love of learning
- confidence and curiosity
- happiness and honest within themselves
- good communication skills
- love and security
- high self-worth and self-esteem
- respect for themselves, others and the environment
- independence and identity
- interest in the world around them
- positive conflict resolution skills
These qualities are part of their core values and are taught in an endless number of ways during the school day at White Lodge. Through good units of inquiry, storytelling, music and movement, group discussions, outdoor exploration, school excursions, parental involvement, tidying away toys and sharing with others are a few examples of how these wonderful qualities are instilled in children from a young age at White Lodge.
With the current increase in depression in young people, it is important to think about the well-being of others now to try and decrease cases of depression and anxiety as a trend of the future. White Lodge works hard to give the children the opportunities to develop as knowledgeable, confident, caring and lovable young people making this educational establishment a great choice for your child.
White Lodge is a member of PESA -positive education school association and more information is available at www.pesa.edu.au.
Get in touch with White Lodge today to help your child derive the greatest value, pleasure and fulfillment from their childhood!